Articles The War on Oreos How in the world could one ever think that they could go to war with Oreos and win?
The Weekly Let's Celebrate Octogenarians And a special gift for each one of you. It's this week's news.
The Weekly Make Penitentiary Great Again Orange is the New Black 2024. Plus, a contributing author and more in this week's news.
Articles It Sucks Being a Swinger No matter how attractive you are (as a voter) if you’re not in one of 12 states, you may never see a Presidential candidate.
Articles Here's why you're crazy if you bag your leaves. After months of studying, countless reports have told us this.
Articles But of Course, You Should All I can think about is whether anything I say will matter between now and the moment that you walk up to a voting booth.
The Weekly I'll Be Swift For those of you who aren't charting a song on the Top 10 list, I'd suggest you write better songs and wear red lipstick.
Articles Only If I Musk The most powerful people have been controlling the distribution of information since well before the printing press. It's not reasonable to expect them to distribute that power equitably.
The Weekly 468 More Weeklies Donald extends his thanks to Ye for filling in for him this week. And, does prison even work at decreasing crime?
Articles Four Weeks. A Guide to the Midterms. The important question on everyone's mind is of course, who will control the House and Senate. Here's my take...
Serial Generational Change: The Game of Democracy Democracy is not being tested. It's on life support. Examining how our views of democracy have changed and how it may not be a certainty in our future.
Members only Made From Leftovers Cereal and Ivy League Chapter 1: Growing up in abject poverty on the Nearest Side of Indianapolis, getting by mostly on leftovers.
The Weekly Made From Leftovers I'm releasing the first chapter of my book and will follow with more in the coming weeks. I explain the book in this issue of The Weekly.
Made From Leftovers Introduction: Made From Leftovers Made From Leftovers is a comedic memoir that explores the impact of poverty and what it means for the rest of us.
Articles Maybe You Should Have a Drink This little-known fact will change your creative process forever. We took a look at the data, and a big university agrees; people will believe whatever you tell them.
The Weekly Steering clear of the Monarchy Please use a screen protector and wipe down all your emails before opening them, but the pandemic is over.
Articles Working for The Algorithm The ways The Algorithm takes away our Sundays and decides our fate. An essay about how sound bites win over sound thinking, and even shapes our beliefs.
The Weekly Well Isn't That Special Master? I am satisfied with my role as an Email Writer, but maybe there’s something more.
Articles Putin His Place. A Case For Action. Lessons from 9/11: It’s cheaper to clean up a political mess than a nuclear disaster. Should we stop the bleeding before it gets worse?