The Weekly Measles Wins It is your choice to get vaccinated, and that choice is very personal. Also, which coffin do you like best from the following options?
The Weekly Ditching the Vowels Plus, this year's State of the Onion, and a fight breaks out in Washington.
The Weekly Bullet Points Just a brief summary to validate my value to the Federal Government, my subscribers, and the world.
The Weekly Let's Pope For The Best While we're looking to someone for salvation, he is looking for someone to save him, too.
The Weekly Penny Marshaled Saving money by making less of it. And all the ways the Musk Administration is making money great again.
The Weekly The Spinning Wheel of Death The USA is currently going through an update, and we don't know when it will be finished.
The Weekly Free Speech Week Free Speech is back, as long as you don't say the wrong thing. It's this week's news.
The Weekly Predicting the Weather The Midwest freeze versus the dry Western brush, and whether we can really predict the future accurately.
The Weekly Scorched Earth When the world gets hot, you'll still get the news in your inbox at the perfect temperature every time.
The Weekly Time to Make The Donuts After a long break, it's time to get back to work and make some dough.
The Weekly The Armed and Hammered How to not be wrong. Plus, how to stamp out a tyrannical government, even when that government is us.
The Weekly Begging Your Pardon And an article from the archives about the ways democracy has changed across generations.
The Weekly Searching For The Dien Sea Geographical fantasy land or a major political event? Plus, the obsession with large crowds and a new vision for America.
The Weekly "Turning Black" (and Never Going Back) How does YOUR light shine in the halls of Shambala? Find out more in this week's news.